The Mysterious Death Of Lord Reginald: The Morning Paper

 London, 1863

A new morning in London, as cold as foggy as only the British Isles could be, the smell of baked goods, wet pavement, carriages making their rounds and the children screaming in the streets trying to sell the morning paper.


And did they ever have the most intriguing of headlines to keep the readers interested "Lord Reginald found dead under mysterious circumstances" What a hook for readers that was, apparently one of the Queen's richest of friends was found dead it was impossible not to grab a copy.


A young blonde noblewoman by the name of Elizabeth certainly thought so, quickly buying her paper and sitting at 'Mrs Marcy's tea shop' near one of the booths against the windows (the place where she and her mother would sit and where she was to meet her that afternoon)  she quickly opened the designated page where all the information about this heinous crime happened.


"Today at 5:30 the police found the body of Lord Reginald of Lincolnshire, at the night house establishment known as 'The Night Rose'.


The police found him lying on the floor with two holes in his neck and no other wound; the mystery increasingly turns uncanny as blood was nowhere to be found.


The police have found no suspects at this time.


Her majesty the queen…"


Elizabeth looked up, away from the paper, as she cleared one golden lock from her line of sight while she was deep in thought.


While she was quite lucky for a woman in her position as she was allowed to learn about nursing and theology, through private tutors and ministers. But this single article awakened something in her. 


This piece of news was thrilling to her, she ached for mysteries and knowledge and this seemed a good opportunity for adventure.


And what could be more interesting than a strange murder that was hard to solve?


Especially when it would involve her breaking some small rules.


she decided to re-read the article, now in full, and as soon as she finished her reading that was when she decided that was going to meddle in this case and would try to solve it.


She took gave her order and waited in her booth for her breakfast as she was thinking of what she could do to get into the establishment and look around, she might find something interesting.


It might have been seen as a childish desire and idea but nothing was going to stop her from taking a look into the matter, and who knows maybe finding out the cause of death and who did it.


She smiled to herself knowing that her determination and resolve would be unbroken.

