The Mysterious Death Of Lord Reginald: The Murder Scene

 Kent guided Elizabeth through the complex, it was a three-story building with a terrace included on top.


They walked up to the second floor where they found a lounge area and then a large corridor that had separate rooms like a hotel would, but this where clearly for other types of adult needs.


He didn’t stop until the reached the room where the murder happened and he opened the door for her, letting her walk in first.


"Thank you, Mister Kent, you are very kind" she said as she stepped into the room "let us see what we have here".


She looked at the room and took it in as if it was a picture, she studied the room: there was an outline on the floor around Lord Reginald's body, there was a vase knocked out on the floor smashed into small fragments and flowers around it, a painting slightly moved from its position; in addition to that a bed with the sheets taken off of it and bathtub that was not used.


It was clear that this was a room used for discreet callings and Lord Reginald was wanting for some privacy and seeking ‘release’.


Elizabeth walked closer to the body to inspect it " I would ask of you to don’t move the corpse or contaminate the evidence please." was the gentle warning that Trainee Kent offered as she knelt beside the lifeless form of the Lord.


"Don’t worry Mister Kent I won't make your job any harder than it is" She gently inspected the middle-aged man's corpse: his glasses were broken, his body pale and in his face a horrific expression. Whoever did this must have surprised the nobleman and swiftly ended his life.

However, a bigger problem lay in the fact that there was no pool of blood. 


There were only droplets of it on the floor, and if it was a surprise attack the place should be covered and slashed in blood. And even if the lord had been still when he met his end there should be more of his vital fluid over the room. 


Another thing that she noticed was that the nobleman looked odd, in the sense that you could see his bones sticking off the flesh as if he was dead and decomposed for a long time and not last night.


Empty veins were exposed all over him and the biggest ones were the ones around his neck where two holes were made around the skin, exposing that the instrument of the murder was unusual.


"What do you suppose made this Mr Kent?" Elizabeth inquired as she turned to face the trainee.


"The chief believes it to be a carving fork" He answered without missing a beat "or a vermin carrying a plague."


"Not a bad idea, the first one that is…" she was now deep in thought "A carving fork could make such incisions on the skin, but there would be a lot of blood."


Kent nodded, sharing Elizbeth's view on the subject.


He took a step forward towards her "So what do you think Miss Carter? A natural murder or an unnatural one?"


Elizabeth remembered the excuse put by Henry to allow her entrance to the scene of the crime, he chuckled at the irony of the situation "That was just an excuse to see the scene of the crime" she said coming clean to the policeman  "A way to indulge in my whim from something different…but now that I see this I might be inclined to believe that might be the case, as reluctant I am to admit it." her frankness took away any anger or discomfort that the trainee could have for her deception.


She was seriously considering the idea of the supernatural at hand, she might be a little sceptical but it was the only explanation that made sense to her at the present time.


 "There are countless ways to commit murder but using a carving fork is the oddest of tools for the task, you would only use it if you were working in the kitchen" She looked at the body examining it once again "Yet the kitchen is far away from this room, isn't it?".


"Yes Miss, it is."


"Somone would have seen someone come from the kitchen with such an instrument …" she inspected the perforations on the man's neck and saw a small pool of dried blood and it was barely an outline as if someone licked it off him "I can't understand this, this should be easy"


"I would incline to agree with you Miss, and I would approve of the idea of something out of the natural order going on but the Chief of Police doesn’t seem to agree with that sort of…ideas, or any ideas that are not of his own." Kent said as he felt a little more at ease around her.


"What do you suggest, Mr Kent?" she was open to hearing any ideas on the case from whoever wanted to hear her and the policeman looked like he cared.


"Wouldnt you be an expert on theology Miss?" he questioned back.


Elizabeth blinked slowly as she was thinking about what would be next "Well, not really…but there is someone I could ask about unnatural occurrences" she said directing her gaze towards him, she wouldn’t mind him coming along "Would you like to accompany me Mr Kent?" she asked softly.


For the first time in their interaction, Trainee Kent smiled at her "I would very much like that".


She grinned back at him "Well then let's move on and wait for Henry outside, I don’t think the Chief of Police would like me to stay any longer." 


"I am afraid that he would insist on your swift departure." Thomas said as he accompanied her.
