
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2023

The Mysterious Death Of Lord Reginald: The Murder Scene

 Kent guided Elizabeth through the complex, it was a three-story building with a terrace included on top.   They walked up to the second floor where they found a lounge area and then a large corridor that had separate rooms like a hotel would, but this where clearly for other types of adult needs.   He didn’t stop until the reached the room where the murder happened and he opened the door for her, letting her walk in first.   "Thank you, Mister Kent, you are very kind" she said as she stepped into the room "let us see what we have here".   She looked at the room and took it in as if it was a picture, she studied the room: there was an outline on the floor around Lord Reginald's body, there was a vase knocked out on the floor smashed into small fragments and flowers around it, a painting slightly moved from its position; in addition to that a bed with the sheets taken off of it and bathtub that was not used.   It was clear that this was a room used for

The Mysterious Death Of Lord Reginald: The Night Rose

 The day had not improved and still cloudy skies ruled over the firmament and dawned over the city.   But no bad weather was going to slow Elizabeth down as she reached the steps of the Night Rose with nothing more than sheer will, smiling to herself as her skirt ruffled gently in the wind as she ascended towards the door.   While she moved towards her goal she could see the metropolitan police guardian at the perimeter, apparently, the commotion had drawn people around the city to gather near the place hoping to get a glimpse of the body or a simple piece of information that would make for great gossip   "Elizabeth" a voice called her making her stop at the steps, it was familiar and friendly, she turned to the owner of that warm brassy baritone voice and was greeted by the charming smile of Henry Lewis.   He was a handsome brunette gentleman, with brown eyes and a considerably tall stature, a slender yet athletic physique. But most importantly a friend from childhoo

The Mysterious Death Of Lord Reginald: The Morning Paper

 London, 1863 A new morning in London, as cold as foggy as only the British Isles could be, the smell of baked goods, wet pavement, carriages making their rounds and the children screaming in the streets trying to sell the morning paper.   And did they ever have the most intriguing of headlines to keep the readers interested "Lord Reginald found dead under mysterious circumstances" What a hook for readers that was, apparently one of the Queen's richest of friends was found dead it was impossible not to grab a copy.   A young blonde noblewoman by the name of Elizabeth certainly thought so, quickly buying her paper and sitting at 'Mrs Marcy's tea shop' near one of the booths against the windows (the place where she and her mother would sit and where she was to meet her that afternoon)  she quickly opened the designated page where all the information about this heinous crime happened.   " Today at 5:30 the police found the body of Lord Reginald of Lin

Preface and Warnings

 This book is a serial of supernatural mystery stories so If you like to read monster stories or monster hunter stories, with a touch of mystery and romance you are in the right place. You don't need to read all of them to understand a single story, I do recommend reading them all since characters will have ongoing arcs. But you can skip a story if it's not that exciting to you and don't mind losing some character development. The book has a stable cast of characters and some others will be recurring. this book takes place in Victorian England and the work won't ignore the period, so expect some time-period problems like racism, bigotry, etc, they exist in this universe. But characters from all walks of life will be present in the book ( LGBTQ+ and BIPOC can appear is what I mean ). This book does try to stay as truthful to the time as possible and the legends and folk tales of the places it tackles, however, some historical anachronisms may happen, and sometimes I w